Enzyme in lipid semisolid that is produced in the outer ear canal. Usually works its way out with function of hairs in the canal and withdraw a moment. Sometimes, wax in packs causing obstruction. This can lead to fullness, blocked ears and reduce in hearing ability.
How can one prevent wax buildup?
Avoid the Q-tip usage
Use SENSES ear wax 2 to 3 times weekly for chronic buildups or use 2 to 3 times daily for one week prior to doctors visit to remove wax.
Can earwax buildup be bad?
Yes, build buildup can lead to water trapping and excessive bacterial and/or fungal debris
Is ear wax and normal?
Wax (cerumen) is slightly acidic and helps to maintain outer ear canal health. It is not dirt. It does serve a protective measure, usually preventing pathogen growth in the canal.
What does earwax buildup look like?
When should I use SENSES ear wax?
Hearing aid usage, dry impacted wax, full or blocked ears, before ear exams